“It became very obvious to us why this landscape had generated this sad and earthy music that speaks so profoundly of hardship and misery.”

Wim Wenders
in Blues Review about the filming of “The Soul Of A Man”

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“I had gone on a quest for the landscapes that once surrounded the founding fathers of the Blues. I met a people still longing for some recognition long overdue. A little of their memory is what I recorded on film. Since 1993, when the state of Mississippi legalized gambling, the Delta is being progressively ‘cleaned’ of many reminders of the past.”

Jacques Moury Beauchamp

For his series “BLUESCAPES, landscapes of the Mississippi Delta,” Jacques Moury Beauchamp has perfected a photo transfer technique that reflects the feeling of despair experienced when visiting this forgotten region of the United States.

The exhibit is available by itself or with a conference, a debat, a concert, etc.

For more information, please contact us

BLUESCAPES is in the permanent collection of the Delta Blues Museum, Clarksdale, MS

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copyright © 1990-98 Jacques Moury Beauchamp
For information on publishing rights, please contact us